Creating Assessments
If you have access to Speechace Workspaces, you can populate any workspace by creating your own assessments.
Assessments are the core product at Speechace. Test administrators use them to assess language levels of students and other interviewees more rapidly than through typical processes.
Switch workspaces if necessary
If your account has several workspaces already, you can switch to the correct one by clicking the 3-dot icon next to the name of your current workspace, and selecting "Switch workspace".
Create new assessment
To begin creating assessments, click on the Create New Assessment button:
Select cloned tests or custom
When you create a test, you have two options:
Clone from a library
Create a custom assessment
Clone from library
As a quick start, we have pre-created a library of tests with preset questions. You can clone these tests to your workspace, and share them with your students to quickly evaluate the Speechace platform.
Custom assessments
In addition to using premade tests, you can also create speaking assessments with your own questions and content. This option provides you with a rich editor to design your own spoken language assessments, using a variety of available types of assignment, such as read-aloud text, open-ended questions, and task-achievement.
Last updated