Results callback to 3rd party application backend
Test completion callbacks to 3rd party app backends are useful in storing the user's speaking test results in the 3rd party app's database. Recall that in the last section, we discussed passing app_score_submission_url parameter as a means to get results for the test as shown below: app_score_submission_url=
Once the test is complete, the app_score_submission_url will receive a post call with the following parameters: { "version": "1.0", "key": 'IlYq1zwpMrCaUAW3', "courseId": 1234, "quizId": 456, "userId": 1234a, "score": { "overall" : 4.0, "pronunciation": 7.6, "fluency": 6.5, "vocab": 6.6, "grammar": 5.5 }, "reportUrl": }
Note that we pass back the key as obtained in the URL from the shared assessment panel so you may verify that the caller is indeed us. You must check for this key otherwise anyone can call your callback URL to submit grades.
Note that the reportURL can be used to obtained the full detailed report for the test attempt in JSON format as presented in the next section.
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