Essay Writing
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In the Essay Writing question type, test-takers write an essay in response to an argument or problem. They present their viewpoint, support it with reasons and examples, and conclude with their stance or solution.
The scoring system then automatically assesses the test taker's writing and provides a vocabulary, grammar, cohesion and task achievement score aligned to IELTS standards.
Note: To get a reasonable scores test taker must write between 250-300 words.
To get started, do the following:
Choose "Essay Writing" from the question type dropdown to display the associated configuration panel.
Type the instructions for the test taker either in the Question field on the left or the Task Description field on the right in the configuration panel, as shown in the image below.
The configuration panel for the Essay Writing question type is composed of only one element:
In this field, you provide the instructions or question for the test-taker. When you use the relevance setting, the Speechace AI uses the text in this field to assess whether the test-taker’s response is relevant to the question. Some examples of Essay Writing questions:
Some people think that the education system should focus more on practical skills rather than academic knowledge. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Provide reasons for your answer.
In many countries, the proportion of older people is steadily increasing. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?
You can preview how the question will appear to the test taker by clicking the eye icon in the configuration panel, highlighted in the image below.
The test-taker will see the question on the left side of the screen and a writing area on the right to type their response, as shown in the image below. They will have preparation time before the response time starts to submit their answer.